




積分: 2018

發表於 12-5-24 12:32 |顯示全部帖子
Hi Sandra:

I have followed your posts for long. Thanks for your advices.

I have the same situation like ellen that my son is 3.5 years old now, he has been to a full day school for 1 year now, still crying for not going to school. He stick with me like glue, and I think he doesn't like to follow the rules at school. Even at school, he has playtime, school still have some rules that he has to follow. How can I impose some rules at home? and make him feel that "home" has rules also. His timetable at home is as below:

8 am - wake up and get ready to school, but he can keep on crying or making things difficult (like crying for not taking breakfast, changing clothes) ending up we will be leaving house like at 9 am
9 am - 4 pm: at school (nap at school for 90 mins)
4:30 - 5 pm: back to home after school
5 - 5:30 pm: dinner/snack
5:30 - 6:00 pm: play time (free play: he can play the toys that he likes)
6:00 - 6:30 pm: bath time
6:30 - 8:00 pm: play time (he will eat some food when we have dinner also)
8 pm - milk time
8:30 pm - I will start taking him to his room (play with him and read story etc.....)
but he won't sleep until almost 10 pm.

He avoid going to bed, and then doesn't want to wake up and go to school the next morning. Evey morning, he will ask me do I need to go to school today? If I said "yes", he will start crying and make things difficult...... How can I solve this problem?


積分: 2018

發表於 12-5-25 10:29 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 SandraLo 的帖子



積分: 2018

發表於 12-5-25 23:25 |顯示全部帖子
Hi Sandra,
He sleeps with me. I should say I help me to get into sleep, and I leave him, then my 99 comes in and sleep with him until the next morning.
Just like right now, he doesn't want to go to his room until 10 pm, and just falling asleep in about 11:15 pm.


積分: 2018

發表於 12-5-28 10:07 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 SandraLo 的帖子

Hi Sandra,
thanks for your advise. I know I should be more insist and firm to my son. I will give it a try and follow your timetable.
Last night, he was also trying to delay the sleeping time, and I was firm, and he cried and anygry for awhile, but he finally has given up. I think he needs time to learn that I am firm on what I ask him to do.


SandraLo  exactly  發表於 12-5-28 20:31


積分: 2018

發表於 12-5-28 10:16 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 SandraLo 的帖子

Hi Sandra,
屋企佢唔願意放下玩具,佢會叫我比佢再玩,我會話再玩5分鐘」~~ 係咪真係5分鐘就放下冇扭?咁係冇問題喎! - He used to really palyed 5 more mins then say "bye bye" to the toys. But recently, he breaks his promise. After 5 mins, he will ask 5 more mins or more. What should I do? Be firm also?


積分: 2018

發表於 12-5-29 11:16 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 SandraLo 的帖子

Hi Sandra,
I understand what you are saying now. I haven't be consistent and ignoring him. Thanks for your comments.
Last night, he also start crying for not going to bed. And I ignored him, only telling him is time for bed. He only cried for about 10 mins and give up. I think he starts to learn. Really appreciate your advise and I can see the power of these "priase and ignore" method.



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